Submitting Artwork for Consignment
Consigning artwork with the Gift Shop at Wildwood Historic Center is typically done by invitation only, being chosen by jury process. If you, or someone you know, is interested in consigning for a season please read below.
All work submitted must be artwork or fine craft by the submitting artist. Types of work that will be considered include, but are not limited to, paintings, pottery, woodwork, textiles, handmade cards, jewelry, glass, and basketry. Please send clear digital photos or photo prints with a brief description of the work and artist via email, online form, or mail to Wildwood Historic Center. You may also choose to drop off an actual item representative of your work at the Gift Shop. Any items submitted for consideration will be returned.
Artwork is sold at the Gift Shop on a consignment of 25%. There is no shelf fee or rental space. Artists are paid monthly for works sold when sales total over $25. Items not sold must be picked up by the artists in late October or early November as the site closes for the winter months.
Artwork submissions may be sent to:
Wildwood Historic Center
c/o The Gift Shop
420 Steinhart Park Road
Nebraska City, NE 68410
Or simply fill out the form below and a representative will respond with information about where to send your digital images:
(Note: You may also include a shareable Google Drive or Dropbox link to your images in the Additional Comments section)